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I was Featured in Paper Magazine, June 2020

June 2020 was a crazy, crazy time to be alive in America. Black people faced multiple pandemics all at once, protested our right to be alive, while still trying to maintain a sense of normalcy in our workplace and personal relationships. As I write this, the fight is still ongoing.

Amongst all of this chaos in the world, something amazing happened. I received an email from an magazine editor who was wanting my art to be featured in Paper Magazine. Paper Magazine is a super popular fashion, arts and music magazine. It’s perhaps most well-known for breaking the internet with Kim Kardashian in 2014.

Check out the link below to see the feature on 7 Black Artists (1 being myself), as well as a mini-interview I did speaking to being a Black creator.

BLACK LIVES MATTER | Here's What Happened When We Asked Twitter for Black Art