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Black And Blessed | A Black History Month Portrait Series

This past Black History Month, I completed a 28-day portrait series on my Instagram page ( entitled "Black And Blessed."

So often during Black History Month, we celebrate for the first few days of February, and then the excitement fades. And when we do celebrate, we celebrate the past. But, the present and future are just as important to Black History as the past.

So, I had the idea was to spotlight creatives, entrepreneurs, innovators and leaders for the entire month of February. Every single day on Instagram (it was a struggle 😂). I wanted to show off how beautiful and dope and different Black can be and is. From models and singers to non-profit organizers and ministers; I made sure to highlight all of the different shades, shapes and lifestyles of Black. The end result is something that I'm super proud of. What started as just a portrait has given so many ideas for future projects. So stay tuned on that front! But for now, check out the gallery below!